Propaganda. Toddspeed. Straight from the Pit of Hell.

Blinky and Sal is coming to an end. It’s been a fun ride. I still have several weeks left to get through before I move on to something new. But, for parties interested, there are three comic book collections out right now. Maybe one day later a fourth will come out with the final episodes.

Straight from the Pit of Hell is a sprawling collection from the comic’s undisciplined origins up through the first gags to appear on Patheos-NonReligious. Short gags concerning existential dread and whatnot as well as the longer stories “Luna,” “The Debt,” “Skin (it’s my party and owl cry if I want to)”, “The Spiderhouse Rules”, and “Pilgrim’s Digress”.

Toddspeed features more dark whimsy as well as the first appearances of Neil NeGrasse Bison and Tim the pervert tree. It also includes Spatsby’s near death experience mini-story.

Propaganda contains self-contained jokes and jabs and the much longer political time-travel saga concerning Mayor Clown Hitler’s rise to power. It also features the lighter mini-story of Blinky’s diet.

New Book Available!!

I am pleased to announce that the second printed collection of Blinky and Sal comics is available to own on Amazon.

If you enjoyed Straight from the Pit of Hell, you’re definitely going to want to add Toddspeed to your shelf.

Propaganda will also be available soon so keep a sharp eye.

A very big thank you to all the people who enjoy the strip and support it.

It’s been a real joy to push myself to make two new comics a week and learn new tools and experiment with different ideas.

Stay weird. Just don’t let the darkness get the better of you.

NSB Interview

I know. I know. I keep mentioning the book. But what can I say? I’m super excited to get the first 5 years of Blinky and Sal together on paper.

Not only that, but I also got interviewed by The Voyageer herself, Staci Jackson, for NetSideBar!

You can read that interview by clicking the link. THIS LINK!

You can also be super cool and get your very own copy of Straight from the Pit of Hell on Amazon.

Already thinking about what to call the next collection of comics.