Faster, Pussycat! Kill! Kill!

Russ Meyer’s Faster, Pussycat! Kill! Kill! is an American exploitation filmΒ from 1965 that follows the crime-filled adventures of three renegade go-go dancers (played by Tura Satana, Haji, and Lori Williams). It’s notoriously hard to find due to rights and distribution issues or something. Anyway, the movie is wild and it’s hard not to become a little obsessed with Tura Satana afterwards.

Launch Party Kickstarter

This is super exciting! If you like fantastic webcomics, then this is the project to back! 25 amazing and talented webcartoonists (and also me) are cobbling together a collection of their work for a PRINTED WEBCOMIC ANTHOLOGY BOOK. Spearheaded by the creator of The DaneMen Comics, this promises to be a worthy anthology for any webcomic fan.


Help make the project possible by backing it on Kickstarter and securing your own copy!

Keep reading!

NSB Interview

I know. I know. I keep mentioning the book. But what can I say? I’m super excited to get the first 5 years of Blinky and Sal together on paper.

Not only that, but I also got interviewed by The Voyageer herself, Staci Jackson, for NetSideBar!

You can read that interview by clicking the link. THIS LINK!

You can also be super cool and get your very own copy of Straight from the Pit of Hell on Amazon.

Already thinking about what to call the next collection of comics.